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This is useful for those uploading for mixes and podcasts. Centova Cast imposes file size limit.

Centova Cast specifies the maximum file size that will be accepted by the File Uploader. Although hosting services can alter this setting from its default 100MB size, we rather not as a service.


We go with the thinking that web-based uploads aren't very tolerant on the server or client side and so tend to have problems with large files. Therefore, we encourage users to use FTP for very large files (greater than 100MB).

What is an FTP Client?

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) allows you to upload files from your computer to your site. In order to use FTP, you will need an FTP client which is a desktop app that connects your computer to your hosting account. It provides an easy to use graphical user interface so that you can perform all FTP functions such as copy, upload, delete, rename, and edit files/folders on your site.


How to Use an FTP Client?

You will need an FTP username and password in order to connect to your account. Once you have this information, you can connect to your website. First, you will need to launch your FTP client and enter your FTP username, password, host and then click on the connect button.

How To Get your Centova Cast FTP Details 
Go to Quick Links on your Centova Cast dashboard and scroll down to FTP Client Connections section for your Streemlion Centova FTP login details.


Free FTP clients (or applications) include:
CoffeCup FTP, Win SCP, CyberDuck  or Filezilla

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