Centovacast Now at Streemlion

Centovacast now at Streemlion

It’s our pleasure to reach you with this great news.

As you might have known, our service was greatly hampered recently by our former streaming application. The last update of which crashed our servers- necessitating  the quick deployment of Centovacast.

We’re proud to inform you that we now provide full Centovacast service at Streemlion. We’ve taken great care to put together your favorite resources to power your station on Streemlion for that stable, trusty and reliable streaming system.  

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As a result of this development, we’ve created even more exciting features for our users which include:

– More Plans in Our Package
– Lower rates starting at just $2.99 with valuable streaming resources
– Increased AutoDJ Storage for all plans at yet same old prices
– A Business/commercial plan with unlimited AutoDj Storage, permission for adverts in streams and more
– Our website is also slightly modified to reflect this awesome change with Centova Cast now at 

Internet Radio Microphone & Laptop

To welcome our old users who probably left as a result of using the former application, we’ve decided to welcome you back with extra 3GB and 2 weeks extension of your subscription if you order any plan from Simba up within 1 week from the date of this post,. Just order and give us a link to this post.

Our appreciation goes to you for your long patience during the uninspiring days of our former application and for standing by us.

NOTE: See New Plans Here 

If you’re new to web radio then read our guide on how to start an Internet Radio.


2 thoughts on “Centovacast Now at Streemlion

  1. Dear,
    I have my own website(s) for our radio broadcasting.
    I’ll like to know if I can continue using these websites regardless the fact that they are having a .be, .com , or .eu extension. My websites are hosted in the Netherlands and I’m making radio in Belgium.

    Is it ok to hold on with this websites and advertise as being a Canadian radio (by using yr logo’s etc) and at same time streaming to be possible on this sites using Streemlion as radio server? Including Socan, etc..

    If possible, I’ll set all my 4 radios with Streemlion for broadcasting.
    But, I’ll also like to know if autodj use is applicable with your packages? Because I’m not working live, but with autodj only.

    I hope u’ll be able to give me some info on this,
    Thks in advance for yr reply,

    Aubin, radio producer as hobby.

  2. I have ordered Simba Centova Cast, showing on your website disc quota 10 gb and traffic limit 50gb.
    in my radio.streemlion.com:2560 I see 5000 mb and 100.000 mb as being avalailable and that looks very much the same as yr proposal with Everestcast Simba. pls let me know what i’m really working with, is it Centova (I guess so as I need to login with a Centova login form)

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